Tuesday 1 March 2016

Woman and Islam

Din (Religion) Islam deals with all aspects of human life including rights, status and obligations of a Muslim woman.  It is a complete code of life that has discussed the due status of a Muslim woman in sacred verses of Holy-book of Allah (The Quran). The word "Aurat" meaning "women" has evolved from Arabic derogatory word "Awrah" which literally means: one’s private area, secret, shame, humility defectiveness, faultiness, deficiency, imperfection; pudendum, genitals; weakness, weak spot".

Probably, the meaning of Arabic word “Awarh” has heavily influenced the westerns. Westerns think that Muslim women are dominated by their religion because meaning of word “Awarh” implies that women should be forced to cover themselves in veil and they should not be given education and their other basic rights. The same meaning has negatively influenced Muslim society as well, this is the reason today’s Muslim women have started embarking in gender based inequalities, discrimination in education, discrimination in decision making in personal lives and etc without understanding their status and rights set for them, by Islam.

Today there are about more than half billion Muslim women in the world, Islam has put equal rights for each woman as for men. Allah says in Quran “Men and Women are equal in eyes of God”. The societies which think Muslim women are victim of discrimination they are mistakenly wrong. A woman in Islam or a Muslim woman has right to get education and she can be a part of household income, that is generous action for her husband. According to Islamic teachings, Muslim women are not liable for home routine task, but the husband is responsible to take care of his home, children and wife. “Women are made for men, they are source of pleasure, joy and comfort to her husband”, says Quran.

The Prophet (PBUH) has also enlighten Women rights, once He said; "Allow women to go to the Mosques at night". So it’s not teaching of Islam to enforce a woman for serving all the time. In Islam you can’t bind women for domestic duties. Till 18th century woman of other religion could not retain her assets or property after marriage, but 1400 years of Islamic teachings show a woman is only owner of her assets even after her death. Allah says in QuranWoman has right to have their own independent property, his husband can’t claim her assets. If she shares or manages something with husband then he has right.

Islam does not restrict second, third and fourth wives. If husband is not giving equal rights to any of them, she has got right to divorce husband.

Furthermore Holy Quran says:
  • Educate daughters as well as sons.
  • Wives have the same rights as the husbands have on them in accordance with the generally known principles.
  • Woman has right to obtain divorce from her husband, even on the grounds that she simply can't stand him.
  • Wives right to negotiate marriage terms of her choice.
  • Give Women rights; if her husband divorces her.
Women in Islam have got political rights as well! A major ambiguous misapprehension, that Muslim Women can’t be leader or Islam does not allow them to be a leader is wrong interpretation. In 1400 years of Islamic history, there are many Muslim role model Women who have served a lot in trade, politics, religion and household. Islam has never restricted women to go out anywhere but rather it only ask women to seek permission from father and or husband before going out of home.

Here are few of these Muslim women roles:

Bibi Khadijha: First wife of Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a businesswoman who worked as employee longtime then after she married Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).
Shiff’a binte Abdullah: Hazrat Umer (RA) appointed her to control market.
Bibi Ayesha: Last Wife of Holy Prophet (PBUH) A great political personality in Islam even she took place in battle of Camel.
Suffra binte Abdul Mattalib: She fought and killed enemies to save Holy Prophet (PBUH) and herself.
Bibi Zanab: Granddaughter of Holy (PBUH) a famous religious personality, Piety to women in Islamic world.
Zaynab Al-Ghazali: Led the women’s group of brotherhood in Egypt.
Razia Sultan: Woman Ruler of India in 13th century.
Riffat Hussain: A well know American Muslim scholar.
Fatima Jinnah: Sister of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, a great politician.
Begum Rana Liaqat Ali: Role Model in indo-Pak movement.
Benazir Bhutto: First woman Prime Minister of Pakistan in Asian continent.

Sheikh Haseena Wajid & Khaleda Zia of Bangladesh, Tanso Ciller of Turkey and Megawati Sukanoptri of Indonesia are also Muslim women in Politics who have served their counties.

Ending this; it is misconception in thoughts (of westerns) that women are not dealt correctly in Muslim societies, yes it is somehow correct! But it is not true guideline of Islam. It’s all due to the Modern Muslim lawmakers and mixing up of cultural traditions with Islamic education. Islam is only religion that strongly restricts for molesting a woman and grabbing their rights. Molesting a woman is considered to be “Gunah-e-Kabeera” (a big-sin) in Islam to which there is no pardon, heavily. A Muslim woman has equal rights to a male; she can be a doctor, teacher, banker, advocate etc above and beyond domestic life. Islam is only religion that have discussed the divine forms of a woman; “A woman can be mother, sister or daughter if not then it unavoidably would be wife”. “Giving respect to a Woman is worship to Allah, says Islam.

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