Friday 11 March 2016


"I think Islam hates us," Donald J. Trump said in an interview of dated: March 9th, 2016 on Anderson cooper 360.

In my opinion, It is not Islam that hates. These are rather contemporary Muslims t that are hating huge to people of other religions. This is not a good thing that  Muslims are practicing. Islam teaches, to 'respect other's beliefs' because according to Quran: La Iqra-ha fid-deen - "Let there be no compulsion or persecution in religion" ( 2:256).

The Muslims should not say that they are hate people of other religion or dislike their religion because they (i.e. Jews and Christians e.t.c.) hate us (Islam), remember you are Muslims your Din Islam stops doing so. One more thing to remember, all Din (religions) are by Allah (not the Mazaahib or Madahib) so abomination to any Din of Allah may harm your faith. A true follower of Islam (real Muslim) should show respect to beliefs of other religion, this act of his or her will be considered as good deed before Allah.  

Fascism of PPP in Sindh

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