Tuesday 1 March 2016

Short Biography of Salahuddin Ayyubi

The courageous soldier and tiger of Islam Sultan Yusuf Salahuddin Ayyubi was born in Tikrit Fortress of Iraq in 1138 (532 Hijri), he was the son of Kurdun’s famous commander Najam ad-Din Ayyub (who had died on August 09, 1173, in a horse-riding accident). Najam ad-Din Ayyub and his brother Asad ud-Din Shirkuh were two renowned warriors of Sultan Noor ad-din bin Imad ad-Din Zangi who had stretched the Muslim’s regime in Asia as well as in Europe.

In the year 1169, al-Adid the last Caliph of Egypt appointed Salahuddin as his sub-ordinate. After two years on September 13, 1171, when al -Adid gets died, Sultan Noor ad-din Zangi appointed Salahuddin as the Governor of Egypt. Soon after becoming Governor Salahuddin coped with the revolt of 50,000 black African Soldiers who were escorted by King Naji (controller of Fatimid Army). King Naji was sent in captivation by Ayyubi who later died in jail. At the same time, Salahuddin also defeated King of Jerusalem when he attempted to attack Greece.

In the year 1174, Salahuddin appointed Turan-Shah for conquering Yemen and saving Ayyubid Dynasty. The same year in May 1174 Noor ad-din Zangi was given poison. Noor ad-Din Zangi could not fulfil his aspiration to 'whitewash Jerusalem from crusaders'. After the death of Zangi, the power was shifted to his 11 years old son al-Salih Ismail al-Malik on a prejudiced basis, which created a very difficult situation for Salahuddin.    

During this era, Christians and Jews always used to make fun of Muslims they used to tease Muslim women and children this is the reason Salahuddin always loathed them and sought to take revenge on those more than 100,000 Muslims who were slaughtered in the first crusade of Constantinople in 1095. Only 10,000 Muslims were massacred in Masjid-e-Aqsa during the first crusade.

Recalling the last will of Noor ad-din Zangi “get Bait-ul-Muqadas from Crusaders”, Salahuddin invaded Jerusalem with a small army against million warriors and heavy body knights of Christians and Jews. Before entering Jerusalem, Salahuddin encountered the wars of Shaubak, Kerak, Harran, Hamaat, Mosul, Halab, Hattin & Aqra in Syria, Egypt & Jerusalem. On October 2, 1187 crusaders of Jerusalem gave up after a long siege, huge catastrophe and deaths. Salahuddin entered the fortress by breaching the wall of the fortress, his power scared all leaving no option for them without settlement. Ayyubi accepted the terms to seize the war and placed the white flag on Bait-ul-muqadas.

After eighty-eight (88) years of the first crusade of Constantinople Muslims offered Jummah Namaz in Masjid-e-Aqsa, the pulpit that was made by Sultan Noor ad-din Zangi for Masjid-e-Aqsa in his life was brought from Damascus and placed there in the mosque.

The conquests of Jerusalem mourned entire Europe. Agog European Monarchs decided to attack again on Jerusalem with full power and rush to take it back from Muslims. This was the start of the 3rd Crusade (1189-1192). Now, Britain King-“Richard the lionheart”, French King “Flip Augustus”, German King “Fredric Barbarossa”, Spanish, Italian, Roman and Greece Kings along with other governments vowed to capture Jerusalem and attack with millions of army. Both forces encounter near Konya “Capital of Seljuk Sultan-who fought in the first crusade in 1095 against knights” the disparate position of Muslim’s soldiers could not face such a crusaders army. Crusaders slaughtered and executed about 3000 Muslims before Salahuddin Ayyubi and siege the Aqra fortress near Jerusalem for one month which Ayyubi and his force could not save. Christians and Jews put terms to seize the war, they demanded money and crusade “that Salahuddin had removed from Masjid-e-Aqsa”. Since the Muslims were broke to give the money, the crusade was also misplaced so, Muslims withdraw from the fortress of Aqra.

Only Allah could help the Muslims and Allah did. During the battle French King-Flip Augustus left the field of battle, he was already an enemy with England’s King-Richard, he had come up with Richard to fight against Muslims only on some terms and settlements. After combat of Aqra fortress Flip Augustus back to his country along with his army, this was the ray of hope for Muslims. The crusaders became weak also because German King-Fredrick Barbarossa drowned accidentally near Konya, and his son was also killed in turmoil, leaving his 150,000 armies in disparate situations. Now, all crusades were depended upon Richard “the lionheart” King of England. As Allah had to save the Bait-ul-Muqadas so He opened one more door for the help of Muslims. During these days, one day King Richard went sailing with his few friends, accidentally his boat drowned in sea but King Richard become successful to save his life, he got refuge in Austria. The Austrian government imprisoned Britain King-Richard for two years. Due to the imprisonment of King Richard, all crusade armies became weak.

In the year 1192, the settlements among crusaders and Muslims took place, Christians and Jews send back their soldiers. In this way, Salahuddin became successful in ending the 3rd crusade (1189-1192) among crusaders and Muslims. From 1192 Bait-ul-Muqadas remained in the custody of Muslims for 800 years till 1917. 

After marching into Damascus in July 1920 to put down an anti-colonial rising, French General Henri Gouraud is reputed to have stood at Salahuddin’s grave, kicked it and said: "The Crusades have ended now! Awake Salahuddin, we have returned! My presence here consecrates the victory of the Cross over the Crescent." (Source: Wikipedia)

The tiger of Islam who fought with Britain, Germans, Franks, Romans, Greeks, Italians, Sudanese, Hubshis, Assassins (Hashashin) and Span and ruled over Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Hejaz, and Yemen, died at the age of 55 years on 4th March 1193 (27th Safar 589 Hijri) in Damascus due to acute fever of 11 days.

The First Sultan of Egypt and Syria “Sultan Yusuf Salahuddin Ayyubi” could not perform Hajj in his whole life, the reason when he died; he had only a few Dharam and one small piece of Gold in his assets, even not enough for Coffin.

Two friends “Qazi Bahawal-Din Shadad and Qazi Fazal Iben Zaki” purchased Coffin for Salahuddin, placed him near the Umayyad Mosque’s of Damascus; Syria.

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