Marriages in Pakistan
is a legal and social bonding between two for which consent of both 'boy and girl' is utmost required, this is recommendation of almost every religion
and constitution of world. But unfortunately, things are inverse in social
settings of Pakistan-where nonetheless marriage are not more than forced
bonding. The reasons for this are many such as, family status in terms of
wealth and property, family settings like within family marriage, ethnic issues like Shiite and Sunni, racial Issues
like Sindhi and Muhajar, Baloch and Punjabi, tribal and community
clashes and many more.
There are many ways and forms of forced marriages in Pakistan. In one case, boy and girl may ready to
marry with each other but their families show resentment on their marriage. In other case, boy or girl or even both may not
agree to get married but their families show
agreement on their marriage. There exist so many other ways of forced marriage
in Pakistan.
It is equally
important for all, especially for parents, to understand the harmful
consequences of forced marriage at personal, regional, state and religious
levels. Forced marriages not only make a fuss of personal lives of children but
also they create loath between children and their parents. Forced marriages, if
un-avoided at mess level can become cause of social disintegration and disharmony at
state and regional level. Promotion of free will and cross breed marriages will
not only spread a unity among tribes and nations but also this will produce
unique minds which may later become cause of improving family as well as state
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