
Showing posts from October, 2024

CSS: Gender Studies - Impact of Women Political Quota/Participation in Pakistan

Historically, gender quota in politics is divided into three phases in Pakistan. The Phase one involves reservation of minimal 3% of quota for women in national and provincial assemblies under first constitution of Pakistan, 1956.   Which was later revised as 2.75% quota in national assembly and 5% in provincial assemblies provided in constitutions of 1962 and 1973. In the Second Phase, women quota in the politics increased up to 10% in 1985 for the period of 10 years. This of course, was also the time when international organisations such as the UN were beginning to recognise the importance of women in public life. In the Third and current phase , Pakistan adopted the Gender Reform Action Plan (GRAP) funded by Asian Development Bank in 2002 and which become the part of PSDP in 2005. GRAP proposed four central policy reform areas in gender and governance. Top of the list was “ to improve women’s representation and participation in political and administrative structures ”. Therefo...

CSS: Gender Studies - Gender Issues in Women as Candidates/Representative

Women's full and equal participation in the political arena is fundamental to democracy and justice. Improving the representation of women at national level politics can deliver broad change.  The Election Act, 2017 has recognized   the need to increase representation of women in politics (as voters and candidates) and imposed three key measures to promote their participation: Returns from any constituency where women’s turnout was less than or equal to 10 percent be nullified. Criminalized the practice of preventing a woman from voting in or contesting an election. At least five percent women quota on general (non-reserved) national and provincial assembly seats. Despite strong legislations and reforms, Pakistani women in politics has continued to face multiple challenges as political candidate due to patriarchal system: Lack of say in party-decision making Lack of funding to support election campaigns Civic or public participation is still problem due to male dominance or so...

CSS: Gender Studies - Gender Issues in Women as Voters

Although Pakistan was the first Muslim-majority country to elect a female head of government in 1988, and 60 of 342 seats in the National Assembly and 128 of 728 seats in provincial assemblies are reserved for women, female political participation continues to lag behind that of men – particularly when it comes to voting.  Approximately, 46.7 million Pakistani women are registered to vote. But this still only accounts for  44 percent  of the electorate, though women make up  48.76 percent of the population . When it comes to voting, we need a better overall system to ensure that more and more women are encouraged to come out to the polling stations. But, there’s not just one barrier, it’s a systemic thing where the environment doesn’t enable women to participate politically. Following things are part of problem when it comes to women’s voting:   Challenges in obtaining ID cards   The distance to polling stations Religious and Cultural ...

CSS: Gender Studies - Gender and Governance

Topics Covered:   Suffragist Movement Gender Issues in Women as Voters  Gender Issues in Women as Candidates/Representative  Impact of Women Political Quota/Participation in Pakistan  Suffragist Movement in the USA Suffragist Movement Suffrage means the right to vote in political elections. It is a sad fact that throughout history, there have been many restrictions placed on who can and can’t vote, based on things like age, gender, race, education, wealth and social status. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, men in the UK, USA and other parts of world had the right to vote but women did not. Many people – including women – didn’t believe that women should be able to vote. Even  Queen Victoria  called the fight for women’s rights a “mad, wicked folly” – despite being a powerful woman herself! In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many women started to campaign for women’s rights. ...

CSS IR-I: International Political Economy (IPE)

Topics Covered: International Political Economy  Theories of IPE: Mercantilism, Economic Liberalism, and Neo-Marxism Theories of Imperialism: Dependence and Interdependence, World System theory International Political Economy International Political Economy IPE is the study of inter-relationship between economic and politics and between states and markets. It explains how politics is used to gain economic goals and vice versa.  Susan Strange is considered to be founding mother of IPE. She founded IPEG at the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House in 1971.  It is relatively new sub discipline of IR whose first text book was published in 1977.  But its history dates back to 17 th century when modern nation states after (TOW, 1648) developed their economic policies and overall economic system – Mercantilism.  During that time economic relations were carried in context of Imperialism – small number of states controlled most of the world both ...

Violence and Vigilance: The Clash of Extremism and Pluralism in Sindh

The same has been published in Strafasia click here Sindh Police Strike on protestors in Karachi Sindh has a remarkable history of resistance that dates back to 712 AD, culminating in recent events surrounding the tragic death of Dr. Shahnawaz. He was killed by the Umerkot Police under dubious charges of blasphemy last month. Following his death, a charged mob desecrated his body, igniting a wave of reactions across society. While some religious factions praised the police, showering them with flowers in a misguided celebration of extrajudicial killings, civil society and Sindhi nationalists condemned the barbaric actions of the Sindh police. This backlash eventually caught the attention of the Sindh government, but not until several days had passed after the Umerkot incident. Their realization was not instinctive; it was propelled by mounting pressure from Sindhi activists—teachers, poets, and artists demanding justice. In response, the Sindh Home Minister appeared on television to an...

CSS IR-I: Strategic Approaches to International Relations

Topics Covered War, Causes of War, Types of War Strategic Culture: Determinants of Pakistani strategic culture Deterrence: theory and Practices With special reference to Nuclear India and Pakistan  File Photo: Pakistani SSG Commandoes  War, Causes of War, Types of War War is an organized effort by a government or other large organization to stop or defeat something that is viewed dangerous or bad. It is defined as s ubstantial arms conflict between the organized military forces of independent political units.  War excludes the domestic conflicts, and considered as instrument of international politics and last resort to protect national interest.  A condition when there is no actual conflict but a permanent cold war that could become a “real” war at any time – State of war. Causes of the war: the level of analysis concept can be used to explain why wars begin? 1) The individual level – theories about war center on rationality . Such as realism says intern...

CSS IR-I: International Political Security

Topics Covered  Conceptualization of Security in Twenty First Century Elements of Power  and National Power Balance of Power and its types Foreign Policy: Determinants, Decision Making and Analysis  Sovereignty: and Its types National Interest Security in Twenty First Century Conceptualization of Security in Twenty First Century The concept of s ecurity dates back to ancient times.  Machiavelli (1469-1527) in his book “Prince” mentions that successful prince would provide security to his state and citizens.  Machiavelli also based theory of social contract and state formation on concept of security in his book “Leviathan”. Present day, international security is also called as Global Security. International Security ( IS) emerged as new subject as “security studies” with end of World War – II.  The reason UN was established on 24 th oct, 1945 to solve security issues and bring peace.  It has five dimensions that include human, environment, national, t...