
Showing posts from March, 2016


"I think Islam hates us," Donald J. Trump said in an interview of dated: March 9th, 2016 on Anderson cooper 360. In my opinion, It is not Islam that hates. These are rather contemporary Muslims t that are hating huge to people of other religions. This is not a good thing that  Muslims are practicing. Islam teaches, to 'respect other's beliefs' because according to Quran: La Iqra-ha fid-deen - "Let there be no compulsion or persecution in religion"  ( 2:256). The Muslims should not say that they are hate people of other religion or dislike their  religion because they (i.e. Jews and Christians e.t.c.) hate us (Islam), remember you are Muslims your Din Islam stops doing so.  One more thing to remember, all Din (religions) are by Allah (not the Mazaahib or Madahib) so abomination to any Din of Allah may harm your faith. A true follower of Islam (real Muslim) should show respect to beliefs of other religion, this act of his or her will be c...

Marriages in Pakistan

Marriage is a legal and social bonding between two for which consent of both 'boy and girl' is utmost required, this is recommendation of almost every religion and constitution of world. But unfortunately, things are inverse in social settings of Pakistan-where nonetheless marriage are not more than forced bonding. The reasons for this are many such as, family status in terms of wealth and property, family settings like within family marriage, ethnic issues like Shiite and Sunni, racial Issues like Sindhi and Muhajar, Baloch and Punjabi, tribal and community clashes and many more. There are many ways and forms of forced marriages in Pakistan. In one case, boy and girl may ready to marry with each other but their families show resentment on their marriage. In other case, boy or girl or even both may not agree to get married but their families show agreement on their marriage. There exist so many other ways of forced marriage in Pakistan. It is equally importa...

Short Biography of Salahuddin Ayyubi

The courageous soldier and tiger of Islam Sultan Yusuf Salahuddin Ayyubi was born in Tikrit Fortress of Iraq in 1138 (532 Hijri), he was the son of Kurdun’s famous commander Najam ad-Din Ayyub ( who had  died on August 09, 1173, in a  horse-riding accident) . Najam ad-Din Ayyub and his brother Asad ud-Din Shirkuh were two renowned warriors of Sultan Noor ad-din bin Imad ad-Din Zangi who had stretched the Muslim’s regime in Asia as well as in Europe. In the year 1169, al-Adid the last Caliph of Egypt appointed Salahuddin as his sub-ordinate. After two years on September 13, 1171, when al -Adid gets died, Sultan Noor ad-din Zangi appointed Salahuddin as the Governor of Egypt. Soon after becoming  Governor  Salahuddin  coped  with the revolt of 50,000 black African Soldiers who were escorted by King Naji  (controller of Fatimid Army). King Naji was sent in captivation by Ayyubi who later died in jail. At the same time, Salahu...

Woman and Islam

Din (Religion) Islam deals with all aspects of human life including rights, status and obligations of a Muslim woman.  It is a complete code of life that has discussed the due status of a Muslim woman in sacred verses of Holy-book of Allah (The Quran). The word "Aurat" meaning "women" has evolved from Arabic derogatory word "Awrah" which literally means: one’s private area, secret, shame, humility defectiveness, faultiness, deficiency, imperfection; pudendum, genitals; weakness, weak spot". Probably, the meaning of Arabic word “Awarh” has heavily influenced the westerns. Westerns think that Muslim women are dominated by their religion because meaning of word “Awarh” implies that women should be forced to cover themselves in veil and they should not be given education and their other basic rights. The same meaning has negatively influenced Muslim society as well, this is the reason today’s Muslim women have started embarking in gender based...