Sunday 24 February 2019

Renewed Pak – Saudi Relations: Opportunities and Challenges

KSA-Pakistani leader in one frame
KSA-Pakistani leader in one frame

Renewed Pak – Saudi Relations: Opportunities and Challenges
By - Salahuddin Bhutto
Lecturer Department of Management Sciences
NUML, Multan Campus.       
19th Feb, 2019.
At one point, when Pakistani government refused to send troops to Yemen requested by Saudi Arabia, it seemed that relations between the two will remain disagreeable for long time. However, it was not true. 
Pakistan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s relations, these days, have touched new pinnacles. Nevertheless, Immense has been pressed, about relationship of both, by national and international media. Recent developments need a critical review and analysis about opportunities and challenges to be presented by them in coming time. So, to understand clearly about renewed relations, it is doubtlessly required to revisit both countries current diplomatic engagement and predict the outcome.
There are many reasons behind renewed bilateral interaction between both countries, important of all is the change in the leadership. Both Imran Khan and King Mohammad Bin Salman are newly installed leaders who have come up with promise to rebrand or reposition their country’s poor image on socio-economic fronts. Remember, king Salman’s vision 2030, which is under implementation, it aims to bring socio-economic reforms in kingdom, similarly is working PM Imran Khan to enhance destitute conditions of Pakistan. Both the leaders after taking office have announced fresh internal and foreign policies thus, working round the clock to ameliorate conditions of their respective countries.
The new level of interaction between two is touching new friendship phase which is witnessed by KSA government’s trade agreements made during current visit of king MBS to boost relations with Pakistan, by investing $ 20 billion in country’s energy sector and make partnership with Pakistan in China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Such a close tie although can be viewed as giant opportunity for both to get mutual benefits yet it also carries cumbersome challenges presented by internal and external i.e. regional and international politics and diplomacy.
Both countries, Pak and KSA can develop a Petro-Agri barter business model to maintain the balance of trade. Pakistan’s main exports to Saudi are cereals, textile and meat while imports are petroleum products. A barter agreement can be done at government level in which Pakistan will enhance export of Agri and textile products to KSA and in-return KSA will export Oil to Pakistan without involving cash payments. In this regard assistance from Chinese firms-which are suppose to cultivate leased land in Pakistan under CPEC, can be sought.
Second important issue which was highlighted also by PM Khan during his speech to king MBS is employment of Pakistani laborers in KSA. A fresh agreement can be chartered between two governments in which Saudi government may agree to accept employment of more Pakistanis than present quota and in return Pakistan sent double pilgrimage each year which will be lucrative for Saudi. As same agenda of ‘promotion of pilgrimage’ is also on king MBS 2030 vision.
Lastly, both countries Pakistan and Saudi can come to fresh agreements related to military and defense viewing their waring conditions against India and Iran respectively. Pakistani government might allow Saudi presence in Gwadar to keep eye on Indo-Iran movement on Chabahar port in a condition if Saudi and its Arab allies promise diplomatic settlement of doklam and Kashmir against Indian aggression.
One of the greatest challenges to renewed relations of Pak and KSA is herself definition and practice of International relations in modern times. John Henry Temple of Great Britain who once said:  There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, only permanent interests. Most of the world leaders are pragmatic thus Pak-KSA are friends unless common interests are there. But it is not necessarily true both countries have hold diplomatic, trade, and aid relations since pre-partition.
Secondly, International propagandas and personal commitments might hinder growing ties between these two countries as predecessors of king MBS have remained tilted towards allies like Israel and India viewing urgency of time and common grounds, thus Pakistan might not be able to join the multilateral defense and trade forums of KSA in the presence of such allies.
Third and last important challenge is that, Pakistan’s 207 million population comprise 20 percent Shia who completely dislikes country’s growing connections with ‘House of Saud’ or ‘Saud royal family’. Thus, a country like Pakistan which is already victim of extremism and terrorism can not afford a growing sectarian divide anymore. Therefore, government of Pakistan cannot engage with KSA up to too much extent only to avoid fresh sectarian rift.
Such a scenario has presented many prospects for rising our economically-wrecked country. With the help of KSA and China CPEC projects related to energy security can be raised very quickly in this regard there is need of a strong strategic management model for implementation and monitoring of such multi-billion-dollar international funded projects. On the same time government should work to oversight and anticipate the challenges and obstacles which may hinder the national agenda of repositioning the country on socio-economic fronts. 

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