Zainab Case

It’s been almost a year, our print and electronic media is dramatizing the Panama revelation and future of Nawaz Sharif, whilst, country’s other issues such as growing child abuse rate, trembling economy, rise of prices of petroleum products, and protests of farmers and teachers are set aside.

During last year, Pakistani nation has witnessed the crack of biometric system in schools of Sindh, Increase in corruption in Police department, moral corruption in seminaries, rise of terrorist activities, resume of hate speech in Friday sermons, and growing provincial disharmony on the issues such as census 2017, NFC distribution, and projects of CPEC. Whereas, our politicians are busy in traveling to and from Jati umra, Bilwal house, and Bani gala; our MPA’s and MNA’s are busy in securing their PSDP budgets, and our activist writers and media houses are busy in scrawling and blaming.

No one in the country seems sincere to suggest viable reforms for such a huge number of problems. All members of society are either working for their individual and self interests or they are pertaining to be deaf and dumb. Innocent daughter of the nation ‘Zainab’ was kidnapped, raped and then killed two days ago and we are busy in blaming that who is responsible?

I think, everyone is responsible for the current situation and conditions of the country. We must ‘act now’ to eradicate all the problems we are facing otherwise next Zainab can be our sister or daughter. General Election 2018 is near in the country our vote will decide nation’s future. Vote wisely, at least be sharp to ask your representatives that what have they done for you during last five years?


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