J.I.T report
The current revelations about the ongoing corruption inquiry
against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family by international and
national media have cleared that governing party is guilty, and it is no more
The Pakistani corruption case now hinges on a font style of
the document that was at the centre of corruption inquiry. The confirmation by
British forensic expert who says document dated 2006, which was presented by
Sharif family to JIT, was typed in the Calibri font – despite the fact that
Calibri was not commercially available until 2007.
The font proves that the document is “fake” or “falsified”
and submitting it was a “criminal offence” by Maryam Nawaz. Currently, it has been noticed that Wikipedia
entry for “Calibri” has apparently been repeatedly edited following the
revelations to save the accused.
Supreme Court of Pakistan is humbly requested to take notice
against involved and set an example for all so that no one can mislead the
prestigious institutes.
Same has been taken and published by DAWN.
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