
Showing posts from February, 2019

Renewed Pak – Saudi Relations: Opportunities and Challenges

KSA-Pakistani leader in one frame Renewed Pak – Saudi Relations: Opportunities and Challenges By - Salahuddin Bhutto Lecturer Department of Management Sciences NUML, Multan Campus.        Email:     19 th Feb, 2019. At one point, when Pakistani government refused to send troops to Yemen requested by Saudi Arabia, it seemed that relations between the two will remain disagreeable for long time. However, it was not true.   Pakistan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s relations, these days, have touched new pinnacles. Nevertheless, Immense has been pressed, about relationship of both, by national and international media. Recent developments need a critical review and analysis about opportunities and challenges to be presented by them in coming time. So, to understand clearly about renewed relations, it is doubtlessly required to revisit both countries current diplomatic engagement and predict the outcome. Th...