
Showing posts from January, 2018

Sarfraz Shah case

The President of Pakistan’s pardon, to a ranger’s personnel who publically short dead an unarmed civilian Sarfraz Shah in Karachi, bears huge criticism. Such an act by president represents the double standards of justice and governance in the country and deems that law is different for civilians and forces personals. The law in the country is already different for weaker and stronger. If a civilian had short dead to a rangers personnel, would the president has give pardon to a civilian?  I think ‘ NO’ ,  rather the civilian would have been executed long ago under civilian or military court orders. Such a preferential treatment should be stopped immediately because injustice anywhere by anyone has harmful consequence on society. Injustice is the only element that shapes the way societies, civilizations, and territorial boundaries are transformed and redefined sooner or later; take the examples of  Bolshevik  and  American  revoluti...

Zainab Case

It’s been almost a year, our print and electronic media is dramatizing the Panama revelation and future of Nawaz Sharif, whilst, country’s other issues such as growing child abuse rate, trembling economy, rise of prices of petroleum products, and protests of farmers and teachers are set aside. During last year, Pakistani nation has witnessed the crack of biometric system in schools of Sindh, Increase in corruption in Police department, moral corruption in seminaries, rise of terrorist activities, resume of hate speech in Friday sermons, and growing provincial disharmony on the issues such as census 2017, NFC distribution, and projects of CPEC. Whereas, our politicians are busy in traveling to and from Jati umra, Bilwal house, and Bani gala; our MPA’s and MNA’s are busy in securing their PSDP budgets, and our activist writers and media houses are busy in scrawling and blaming. No one in the country seems sincere to suggest viable reforms for such a huge number of problems. All...

James Mattis visit to Pakistan

The US secretary of defense James Mattis’ visit to Pakistan is of utmost importance. Pakisatan’s response to his visit will define not only the future of bilateral relations between these two countries but also the future of next government to be installed in Pakistan in coming year. It is categorically clear that the Trump’s government, which is already facing accusation of Russian support to get on to power, can influence Pakistan’s general election 2018 if Pakistan did not comply with ‘do more’ message of Mattis.  James Mattis is the key person of Trumps’s cabinet; he was responsible for the American military operations in Middle East, Northeast Africa, and Central Asia during Obama’s regime. Currently, James Mattis is also on important mission to meet with leaders of Middle East and South Asia to ensure their cooperation in implementation of Trump's foreign policy-'elimination of Islamic extremism from the world'. At this stage, it is truly a dire need of the ...