
Showing posts from 2017

Imran khan over Kashmir issue

The stance of Imran Khan  over Kashmir issue has remained clear and strong over a long span of time. He is giant supporter of Kashmir’s freedom movement. Despite the fact that Imran Khan has always lashed out at Indian army over Kashmir atrocities, the current behavior of Azad Jamu Kashmir (AJK) PM Raja Farooq towards Imran Khan is out of understanding. Such a behavior of AJK PM shows that he much guards the interest of disqualified PM Nawaz and his party PML - N than the Kashmir. Pakisatan Army have fought many wars for the freedom of Kashmir, we have spent many resources to support Kashmir cause, and our thousands dearly soldiers have also sacrificed their lives to protect Line of Control (LOC). Unfortunately, these all efforts are in vain due to immature civilian leadership of Pakistan and Kashmir. The politicians of Kashmir and Pakistan must know that Jamu and Kashmir (J&K) is not an integral part of India rather it is disputed territory between India and P...

Bil Batori

The lady who made up childhood memories of the masses of Pakistan is no more with us. The actress madam Nusrat Ara Begum who was famously known as ‘Bil Batori’ of PTV classic Ainak Wala Jin lived the miserable life. In her recent heart-breaking interview with PTV available on YouTube, she said, the producers and directors who once made her life; ruined it. They ruined because she was uneducated and poor, she added. I am truly down after knowing that madam lived, last years of her life, on Data Darbar for getting food. She was suffering from skin diseases and she was also unable to pay utility bills of her home. Although she called upon many times for help but no one helped. Madam’s interview has revealed the insincerity of directors and producers .  I request all of them ‘directors and producers’ not to do same again with anyone else. Additionally, I appeal government of Pakistan to create the ‘artists welfare fund’ that should be provided to artists in later stages...

Supreme Court Verdict

The Supreme Court of Pakistan and JIT have played commendable role to bring governing family to their terrific end. Both, the SC and JIT, could come under pressure of the ruling party and decide in their favor, but they did not. The JIT, as court also appreciated, has done hard work in preparing and filing a comprehensive and detailed report. Similarly, the SC has also done tremendous work by swiftly announcing the impartial verdict. The court could also rule that there is still not enough evidence to topple Sharif, and call for a  further investigation, but it did not. Presently, there is still a great need to unearth the other corrupt faces of Pakistan by SC so that no other can ruin our beloved country in future time.  The same has been published in DAWN news on Sunday 30 july, 2017.

J.I.T report

The current revelations about the ongoing corruption inquiry against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family by international and national media have cleared that governing party is guilty, and it is no more denied. The Pakistani corruption case now hinges on a font style of the document that was at the centre of corruption inquiry. The confirmation by British forensic expert who says document dated 2006, which was presented by Sharif family to JIT, was typed in the Calibri font – despite the fact that Calibri was not commercially available until 2007. The font proves that the document is “fake” or “falsified” and submitting it was a “criminal offence” by Maryam Nawaz.  Currently, it has been noticed that Wikipedia entry for “Calibri” has apparently been repeatedly edited following the revelations to save the accused. Supreme Court of Pakistan is humbly requested to take notice against involved and set an example for all so that no one can mislead the pres...

Student Councils

A few months back there was clash between Pathan and Sindhi students of QAU Islamabad and Now it turned between Baloch and Sindhi Students. Students councils such as Mehran Council, Baloch Council and others which are made on the name of education and culture are catalyst for such an events in prestigious institutes like, QAU. Most of these councils usually back up wrong and punishable actions of their member students. Cultural and educational councils of QAU, IIUI, NUML are not different than the political and nationalist parties of university of sindh, bolan University, and peshawar university. For example, mehran council of QAU is itself divided into wings such as P.P.P and others. Sindhi Sangat of NUML had quarrel over the election and membership of cabinet. The protocol system of councils' chairmen, chanting of slogans and the current clashes between Pathans, Balochs, and Sindhis are a few other examples. These councils are merely educational or cultural rather they ...

Military Courts

Pakistan is a democratic Islamic country. According to constitution of Pakistan, the official name of the country is Islamic Republic of Pakistan; however the democracy and implementation of Islamic laws in the country has been questioned mark from its inception. The development of military courts and recent protests against execution of Mumtaz Qadri are a few examples which have questioned the form of government and awareness of Islamic laws in the country. Military courts are the special courts headed by the army setup to achieve some national level agendas. They were first established on October 17, 1979 when General Zia ul Haq took over the country in military coup and abolished the first elected government.  The courts were set up second time by Pakistan Mulsim League Nawaz (PML-N) in year 1998 in order to reduce escalating turmoil in Sindh, particularly in Karachi. Interestingly, the courts were established again in year 2015 under the government of PML-N for two y...