Tracing Hindu-Muslim conflict

Muslim's migration view Hindu-Muslim conflict in Indian society is very deep rooted. It is mainly guided by the religious fanatics of both sides. Gaznavi (the first independent ruler of the Turkic dynasty of Ghaznavids) and his attack on Somnaat temple in India, during the 11th century, and the Hindutva attack on Babri Mosque in 1990s are clear evidence to the origin of violence. It is noted by historians that before the arrival of Britain in India, both communities lived peacefully to some extent, although communal riots existed during that time as well. However, the East India Company (EIC) played political and religious cards to divide them to meet its own political and economic interests. The company mobilized the clergy and feudal lords of subcontinent to achieve their own objectives. Hindus had always considered Muslims to have a lower status because of their religion. Whereas the same has been reported by Muslim scholar Al-Beruni in his book Kit...