
Showing posts from September, 2024

Tracing Hindu-Muslim conflict

Muslim's migration view Hindu-Muslim conflict in Indian society is very deep rooted. It is mainly guided by the religious fanatics of both sides. Gaznavi (the first independent ruler of the Turkic dynasty of Ghaznavids) and his attack on  Somnaat temple  in India, during the 11th century, and the Hindutva attack on  Babri Mosque  in 1990s are clear evidence to the origin of violence. It is noted by historians that before the arrival of Britain in India, both communities lived peacefully to some extent, although communal riots existed during that time as well. However, the East India Company (EIC) played political and religious cards to divide them to meet its own political and economic interests. The company mobilized the clergy and feudal lords of subcontinent to achieve their own objectives. Hindus had always considered Muslims to have a lower status because of their religion. Whereas the same has been reported by Muslim scholar Al-Beruni in his book  Kit...

Competitive Examination (CSS)

Introduction As Per CSS Rules 2019 CSS Age Limit No candidate shall be eligible for admission to the competitive examination unless he is neither below the age of twenty-one years nor above the age of thirty years on the cut-off date. Explanation:   A candidate born on or before the 31st day of December, 1988 and on or after the 2nd day of January, 1998 shall not be eligible for the competitive examination of the year 2019 Two years relaxation in upper-age limit of a candidate shall be admissible in respect of the following categories, namely:–     (a) the candidates belonging to the scheduled caste and Buddhist community subject to production of a certificate, in support of their claim, as set out in the application form prescribed by the Commission from time to time and issued by Deputy Commissioner, District Magistrate or such other person by whatever name called and authorized in this behalf;    (b) the candidates belonging to the recognized T...

NUML Course Outlines for (BBA Hons)

Here you can download the course outline for the all subjects offered by National University of Modern Languages (NUML) in BBA (HONS) program. Follow the links below to download the courses outline of the subjects you need:  Semester I: Courses and its outline: 1. Introduction to Technology  Click here to download outline 2. Introduction to Technology  Click here to download outline 3. Islamic Studies  Click here to download outline 4. Basic English Language Skills  Click here to download outline 5. Principles of Accounting  Click here to download outline 6. Personal Management and grooming  Click here to download outline Semester II:  Courses and its outline: 1. Business Mathematics  Click here to download outline 2. Microeconomics  Click here to download outline 3. Freshmen English II  Click here to download outline 4. Pakistan Studies  Click here to download outline 5. Human Psychology  Click here to download outline S...

NUML Fall 2024 BBA & MBA Course Pack

You can download required course material by clicking links given: BBA 1st semester Introduction to Business (ITB)  Click here  to download course pack Click here to mark attendance  [Only Teacher's access] ****************************************** BBA 4th semester International Relations and Current Affairs (IRCA) Click here to download resource pack Click here to mark attendance  [Only Teacher's access] **************************************** BBA 7th  Digital Marketing Strategy  Click here   to download course pack Click here to mark attendance  [Only teacher's access] **************************************** BBA 8th  Digital Marketing Strategy  Click here   to download research pack Click here to mark attendance  [Only teacher's access] *************************************** BBA 8th Semester IRCA  Click here Click here to mark attendance  [Only teacher's access] ************************************** MBA 1.5 2nd...