India, Pakistan and the NSG
By: Salahuddin Bhutto Lecturer Department of Management Sciences NUML, Multan Campus. Email: 24th Feb, 2019 The Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG) is a body of forty-eight states aiming to export nuclear related material for peaceful purposes. The NSG prohibits nuclear proliferation for military use. It was created against the backdrop of the Indian nuclear test — Pokhran-I in 1974 — to regulate the transfer of sophisticated nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Pakistan and India had applied for NSG membership in May 2016, but it seems Pakistan is being discriminated against by international players, particularly New Delhi. The non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is a bone of contention for membership of both courtiers because according to the NSG charter, a non-NPT state cannot be a group member. Both New Delhi and Islamabad want to gain access to sophisticated foreign technologies by becoming part of this international group. ...